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Arcanum Medical Spa Canon City & Colorado Springs, Colorado

Anti-aging, body sculpting, and weight loss are just some of the treatments that are available at our medical spa.

About Medical Spa Treatments

If you have tried to look younger, lose weight, lose extra fat, or any other endeavor to look healthy and young, you know that these undertakings come with challenges. The market is saturated with products and methods that sound impressive but do little to deliver on the promises. Medical spa treatments give people the real results that they want and deserve. Managed by a team of clinicians, the services use professional-grade products and systems that are not available to the general public.

Benefits of a Medical Spa

  • Little to no downtime
  • Medical grade
  • FDA approved
  • Real results

Why Choose Arcanum

Our team of body rejuvenation experts offer MedSpa services that are both relaxing and invigorating. Many patients simply cannot believe what can be corrected with just a few treatments.

MedSpa Treatments at Arcanum

MedSpa FAQs

What is a MedSpa?

A MedSpa is similar to a day spa where you may go for a bit of pampering. The key difference is that, at a medical spa, the treatments are professional grade and only available through experienced, specially trained medical and skin care specialists.

What Happens During a Medical Spa Consultation?

With so many MedSpa treatments available, you may not know where to begin. This is why we recommend a consultation. During the appointment, you meet with us to discuss your concerns and garner recommendations.

Where Are MedSpa Treatments Performed?

Our medical spa treatments are performed at our practice. None of the services require a stay in the hospital. You simply come in, have the procedure, and go home the same day.

Book your appointment today