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Arcanum Medical Spa Canon City & Colorado Springs, Colorado

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Does it look like your hair is thinning more each day?

Arcanum wants you to know something very important about hair loss: you are not alone! According to the American Academy of Dermatology, over 30 million women suffer from hereditary hair loss. Women suffer the effects of female hair loss not just from genetics, but from underlying health issues and other environmental factors as well. That means over 80 million people suffer from some form of hair loss across the US, and there is finally a chance for long-term happiness. Arcanum offers a comprehensive and innovative approach to treating hair loss from the inside and out.

As our patient, your treatment will be based on your unique needs and concerns. Your hair loss is a sign of changes or imbalances in your body. Your hair loss is a signal that must be evaluated thoroughly in order to regain an appropriate balance. Once we learn the ‘root’ cause of your hair loss, we will apply several different modalities in order to combat it, and ultimately, restore a more youthful appearance.

Types of Hair Loss

There are multiple causes and types of hair loss; our goal is to be as successful as possible in identifying and treating your individual causes and concerns. We ask one thing of you as our patient, please have patience. Unfortunately, just as there is no quick fix to bring on the fountain of youth, there is no way to regain a fuller head of hair overnight. We must work with the body’s natural hair growth cycle, and as such, have created a comprehensive protocol that will span a minimum of six months. Please understand, however, it can take up to a year depending on your individual needs and your body’s natural ability to restore hair growth.

We have a comprehensive, non-surgical program for hair restoration that includes multiple treatment modalities. Our patients should be prepared for several visits throughout the course of treatment. Our protocol includes the following:

  • Initial consultation and examination
  • Detailed bloodwork
  • PRP therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma)
  • Laser light therapy
  • Hair restoration vitamins and supplements

During your consultation, we will recommend a hair loss treatment plan for you based on your medical history, needs and concerns.

Female Patterned Hair Loss

Female patterned hair loss (or FPHL) is different than male hair loss because of its pattern and response to treatment. Female patterned hair loss presents with diffuse thinning (loss of hair volume) over the middle of the scalp with minimal or no change to the hairline. FPHL is the most common cause of hair loss in women and approximately one-third of adult Caucasian women experience hair loss. The psychological impact of FPHL can be profound, since hair loss in women is usually unexpected and unwelcome at any age.

Stages of male and female alopecia vector illustrations set Tops of heads of man and woman bald spots on scalp process of hair loss isolated on white background Alopecia health concept

Male Patterned Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss is caused by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. Your genes, inherited from both your parents, determine your sensitivity to hormones called androgens, particularly one called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Each strand of hair begins in a hair follicle and normally grows for two to six years before going into a resting phase and falling out. When the follicle begins to grow a new hair, the cycle starts again.

Increased androgens in the hair follicles can lead to shorter cycles of hair growth, lasting just weeks or months. DHT stimulates the process of miniaturization, which causes new hairs to grow shorter and thinner than before. Eventually, the hair follicles become too small to produce new hairs.

How bald are you? Norwood Hamilton Scale. | Norwood scale, Norwood, Hair  loss

Hair Loss FAQs

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

Hair loss is based on a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, environment, and nutrition. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of hair loss. It is genetic and can be inherited from the mother or father. In AGA, DHT (a testosterone derivative) attacks hair follicles, resulting in alopecia or hair loss.

However, health concerns such as infections, Vitamin D deficiency, autoimmune disorders, and metabolic issues can affect hair loss in both genders.

What is Androgenic Alopecia?

Simply put, androgenic alopecia is the common form of baldness that affects the majority of men and women. The incidence is thought to be higher in men than in women. This condition occurs in roughly 70 percent of men and 40 percent of women at some point in their lives.

Androgenic alopecia is a genetically determined condition. Only two drugs are approved today for the treatment of androgenic alopecia: minoxidil and finasteride, also known as Propecia. The prognosis for androgenic alopecia continues to remain unknown. Some patients even reach the point of losing all the hair on their scalp, while other patients mysteriously regain it. The women that suffer from this ailment most likely present with a decrease in the hair’s density around the scalp, and not so much as a total absence of it, as it more often occurs in men.

Can You Predict Hair Loss?

One cannot precisely predict hair loss. The best indicator is to make a comparison with an older male relative such as a father or grandfather. Having said this, the gene for baldness may well skip generations and/or individuals in the same family.

Is it Normal to See Hair in My Shower and Brush Every Day?

There are 100,000 hairs on the average head of hair and hair cycles between growth and resting phases. In the normal head, 100-150 hairs enter a resting phase and fall out every day. The vast majority will begin to grow back in three to four months. This should not create anxiety as it is a normal function and not normally noticeable. In fact, your new hair will go through these cycles of growth.

Hair loss medication alone may help your thinning hair, but our experts can help you make the decision that is right for your particular hair loss pattern.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

Female hair loss is a distinctly different entity from male pattern hair loss, which has a known cause and usually follows a predicable path. Though some women experience hair loss that resembles male patterned loss, others experience diffuse loss that involves the entirety of the scalp. Such individuals are not candidates for surgical hair restoration in that they do not possess an uninvolved area of hair from which to obtain hair for transfer.

Other causes for hair loss in women range from medical conditions such as anaemia, hypothyroidism, and connective tissue diseases to adverse reactions to medications or high stress levels and deleterious effects of certain grooming practices, e.g. tight braiding of the hair, which causes traction alopecia.

What is the Cost of Hair Restoration?

The cost of any procedure varies from patient to patient depending on your unique needs and treatment plan. All of our fees will be discussed with you during your consultation and package pricing is offered. You will find our fees to be very fair and competitive.

Several financing options are also available. We welcome you to call our office for more details on fees and be sure to check our current specials.

Who is a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration?

There are many factors in assessing an individual’s candidacy for hair restoration, and so the answer to this question can only be determined in a consultation with us regarding the non-surgical management of hair loss. Several factors must be discussed to determine which options would be best for your hair loss needs and concerns.

How Do I Learn More About Hair Restoration?

If you are considering hair restoration, contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the treatments available. We will listen to your concerns and expectations, perform a complete assessment, and educate you on the options that you have based on his expert recommendations. Together, you will develop a treatment plan that will fit your lifestyle and budget. You may choose to begin the treatments at the time of your initial consultation, or you may decide at a later time. The consultation is about 30 minutes to one hour and any fee (if applicable) will be applied towards the procedure or any purchase in our practice. Whatever your decision, it will be our pleasure to assist you in any way that we can. We look forward to meeting you!

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