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Arcanum Medical Spa at Luna Grace

Belotero Filler Injections

Belotero fillers

Moderate to severe wrinkles may be treatable with Belotero injections.

About Belotero

Belotero fillers use hyaluronic acid, or HA, a clinically proven, natural substance used to soften lines and wrinkles. You may have tried some cosmetic creams that use HA for anti-aging; Unfortunately, many of the products don’t work for two reasons:

  • The amount of HA is too low
  • HA cannot penetrate the deeper layers of skin where wrinkles start

With Belotero injections, you can add HA right where your skin needs it the most — in the layers where lines start to form.

Benefits of Belotero

  • Non-surgical
  • FDA-approved
  • No scars
  • Treatment takes less than one hour
  • Immediate results that last for several months

Why Choose Arcanum

Arcanum is known for our advanced, non-surgical, anti-aging treatments. Our providers are highly trained and certified to perform all dermal fillers and injectables, including Belotero. Our patients love the results so much that they refer friends and family to our practice. We work together with you to find the best solution for your concerns, and ensure that you are satisfied with the results each and every time. View all of the services we offer here.

Person receiving Belotero filler injection

Belotero FAQS

What is Belotero?

Wrinkles that are etched into the skin present some of the most challenging signs of aging. Belotero relies on hyaluronic acid (HA) to reduce these stubborn wrinkles. The HA works with your skin to attract water and help hold it in the skin tissues. This plumps up the skin and lifts it to reduce the wrinkle. The higher levels of water in the skin also give it a glowing, healthy appearance.

How is Belotero Administered?

Belotero is administered with a tiny needle at several injection sites in and around the wrinkle. Most patients tolerate the sensation of the injections. If you do feel some discomfort, we can use a topical cream to numb the skin.

After the treatment, the skin in the treatment area looks softer and younger. This is due to the presence of the gel. The HA goes to work right away to attract and bind with water.

What Should I Expect After My Belotero Treatment?

As with any type of injection, you may experience some mild symptoms around each injection site. The most common are bleeding, tenderness and bruising. Expect these symptoms to only last 24 to 48 hours.

How Much Does Belotero Cost?

Cost is a consideration for most of our patients, and we want to provide the most accurate information possible. To do this, we ask that you wait until your consultation to learn about pricing. We can also provide financing options.

Book your appointment today